Sex offender registry information; disclosure duty, immunity for providing, 704.50
Subleases, see Assignment, under this head
Taxes paid by tenant, recovery, 74.73
Tenancy, duration, 704.03 (2)
Tenant's rights of use and possession, 704.05
Termination of tenancies:
Agreement to terminate, writing required, 704.03 (4)
Landlord immunity, termination for nuisance, 893.34
Notice required:
Manner of giving notice, 704.21
Nonpayment, breach or nuisance, 704.17
Periodic tenancies and tenancies at will, 704.19
Removal of tenants, 704.23
See also Eviction actions, under this head
Untenantability, 704.07 (4)
Use of premises, 704.05 (3)
Water heater thermostat settings, 704.06
Year-to-year tenancy, creation by deficient lease, 704.03 (2)
lands LANDS
lands sold for taxes LANDS SOLD FOR TAXES
Generally, Ch. 75
landscape architects LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
larceny LARCENY
See Theft
law enforcement officers LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS
law enforcement pursuit standards council LAW ENFORCEMENT PURSUIT STANDARDS COUNCIL
law enforcement standards board LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS BOARD
law library LAW LIBRARY
laws of wisconsin LAWS OF WISCONSIN
lawyers LAWYERS
See Attorneys
lead poisoning prevention LEAD POISONING PREVENTION
Day care centers, requirements, 48.737
Definitions, 254.11
Certificates of lead-free and lead-safe status, fees, 254.181
Transfer of funds received to general fund, 254.182
Owner immunity, restrictions, 254.173
Reduction of hazards in, 254.18
Rules for dwellings, 254.179
Enforcement, penalty, 254.30
Grants, 254.151
Health and family services dept. duties, 254.15
Delegation to local authority, 254.152
Response to reports, 254.166
Labels, standard, 100.186
Lead paint, 254.12
Local authority, 254.152, 254.154
Reduction and management service providers, 254.176
Reports of poisoning or exposure, 254.13
Rules and rulemaking:
Advisory committees for, 254.174
Care for children with lead poisoning or exposure, 254.164
Certification of contractor, 254.176
Denial or suspension of delinquent tax obligors, 254.115
Defining lead paint, 254.156
Lead-bearing paint hazards in dwellings, prevention and control, 254.172
Lead hazard reduction, 254.172
Lead inspections, facilities serving children, 254.168
Lead investigations, 254.167
Screening recommendations, 254.158
Screening requirements, 254.162
Test results, admissibility as evidence, 901.055
Training courses and instructors, accreditation, 254.178
leases LEASES
Real estate, see Landlord and Tenant
legal holidays LEGAL HOLIDAYS
See Holidays
legal notices, publication LEGAL NOTICES, PUBLICATION
Generally, Ch. 985
Adjoining counties, 985.14
Affidavit of printing, 985.12
Classes and frequency, 985.07
Computation of time, 985.09
Definition section, 985.01
Discontinuance of paper, procedure, 985.13 (2)
For publishing, 985.08